
Career progression: How online education supports internal growth

Written by College Online | Aug 23, 2024 1:04:42 PM

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the work of work.

Some are interested in changing career direction whereas others are navigating the challenges of returning to work, following a period of absence.

On the other hand, in many cases, professional growth, career progression and development are on the agenda - and this doesn’t always equate to seeking roles elsewhere. Many employees set their sights on internal roles and progress with their current employer.

Yet with 41% of UK workers looking to progress internally, it’s important to upskill and develop core skills to compete for the roles you want the most.

Looking back, learning programmes weren’t always key to progression. But fast forward to modern working life, and education is key to career advancement. It provides the platform to refine your skills, meet necessary skill sets, and progress - without seeking a new job.

While new skills can be gained through alternative means, online education presents a more favourable option. Its flexibility and accessibility mean you can learn and pursue continuous education without diminishing your workplace responsibilities.

But given the potential options elsewhere and fierce competition for internal growth, why should you opt to pursue roles in your current place of work?

Pave the way for your career progression with online education from College Online. Register your interest in our stackable qualifications, leading to a degree, and get the skills you need to progress in your role.

Why Internal Career Progression Could Be Preferable

Staff members staying with one company for the entirety of their career is a thing of the past.

Research has indicated that people remain in a role for an average of 4.1 years. In many cases, people then leave their positions for career development opportunities at another organisation.

Yet, there’s a lot to be said for staying with one company when seeking career progression.

Why Staying With One Company Can Support Career Progression

With a staggering 3.5 million people in insecure work in 2023, some might say jumping ship and entering unfamiliar territory in search of career progression isn’t the sensible option. 

The longer you’re at the same company, over time, you develop an understanding of the company's culture, values, and how the business operates.

This knowledge and established relationships, allow you to navigate the business more effectively, align your work with the company's goals, and make more informed decisions. This knowledge won’t go unnoticed when you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder.

Internal Promotions and Internal Moves

You can use your existing knowledge and experience within the company to pursue internal promotions or make lateral moves, helping you steer your career in the direction you want.

Your deep understanding of the company, its culture, and its processes can make you a strong candidate for internal promotions.

By knowing the ins and outs of the business and demonstrating your value over time, you position yourself as someone ready to step into higher-level roles when opportunities arise. Your familiarity with how things work gives you a clear advantage when taking on more responsibility.

You can also explore moves to different departments within the company.

These transitions allow you to grow your skill set and experience new areas of the business. 

With an established network and knowledge of the company's operations, you can smoothly transition into roles that better align with your career goals, all while staying within the company you already know and trust.

That said, it’s important to recognise that to improve your chances of success, you need the requisite skills and knowledge, and this is where online education can be invaluable to your professional advancement.

The Benefits of Online Education in Career Progression

Research shows that an estimated 20% of the workforce in the UK will be significantly under-skilled for their jobs by 2030.

Online education is essential should you wish to stay ahead of the curve, develop your skills, and ultimately, achieve the career progression you’re targeting in your company.


One of online education’s greatest benefits is the flexibility it offers you as a working professional.

You can fit your learning around your work commitments and personal life - you can learn from anywhere, whether at home or while travelling for business. This flexibility allows you to continue learning without sacrificing your job or personal responsibilities.

Online education also comes in various formats, allowing you to choose the best option for your needs. If you prefer working at your own pace, asynchronous courses let you access the materials at any time, day or night.

Alternatively, if you value real-time interaction with tutors and peers, synchronous sessions provide live, scheduled classes.

Hybrid models offer a blend of both, giving you the freedom to mix self-paced learning with live engagement. These choices present a range of formats to suit your work commitments and learning style.

For example, imagine you’re a full-time marketing manager with family responsibilities. By enrolling in an asynchronous online course, you can complete modules in the evening after your children have gone to bed or on weekends when you have more time.

This flexibility allows you to steadily progress in your studies without feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of work and family life.

Access to Industry-Relevant Skills and Knowledge

Staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends is essential for career progression.

Online education keeps you current by offering courses that are frequently updated to reflect the most recent industry standards and practices.

You’ll gain the relevant, in-demand skills that employers are seeking, giving you an edge in your current role or helping you pivot into a new career.

Many online education providers, like College Online, offer tailored learning paths designed to help you achieve your career goals. You can choose courses that directly align with your profession, allowing you to focus on acquiring skills that will have a direct impact on your work. 

For instance, if you’re keen to progress into a leadership role, our Leadership and Management course provides the skills needed to successfully navigate this pathway.

Plus, the skills you acquire through online education can often be immediately applied to your day-to-day tasks.

For example, if you take an online course in project management, you’ll be able to implement the strategies and tools you learn directly into your current projects, improving efficiency and outcomes at work.

This real-world application of knowledge not only improves your job performance but also helps you demonstrate your value to your employer, paving the way for career progression.

Key Skills for Career Progression

As you look to advance in your career, it’s important to recognise that simply doing your job well might not be enough.

Career progression often requires a more strategic approach, including the development of a broad range of skills.

Whether you're aspiring to move into a leadership role or looking to become more valuable in your current position, expanding your expertise in leadership, technical, and soft skills can give you a significant edge.

Online education provides a flexible and accessible way to develop these key areas, ensuring you're ready to grasp new opportunities and demonstrate your potential.

Here’s how honing these skills can support your career progression.

Leadership and Management Skills

Leadership and management skills are crucial for your career progression, even if you're not in a leadership role just yet.

Mastering skills like communication, decision-making, and strategic thinking can set you apart from others in your field.

Strong communication helps you express your ideas clearly and build stronger connections with colleagues, while decision-making and strategic thinking allow you to assess situations effectively and guide your team effectively.

Even without a formal title, demonstrating leadership can put you in line for future promotions and greater opportunities.

Online education makes it easier than ever for you to develop leadership and management skills. You can find courses in organisational leadership, project management, and strategic decision-making, all designed to boost your effectiveness in leading others. 

Whether you're looking to improve your communication skills, sharpen your decision-making abilities, or think more strategically, these courses provide you with the knowledge and tools to grow into a leadership role.

You don’t need to be a manager to showcase leadership skills. For example, you could lead a project, ensuring tasks are delegated efficiently and deadlines are met. You might mentor a colleague, sharing your knowledge and helping them grow in their role.

You could also streamline team processes, like improving workflows or introducing better communication practices, which highlights your ability to manage and optimise your team’s performance. These help you build leadership credentials, making you stand out for future opportunities.

Technical Skills to Drive Your Career Progression

In today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, certain technical skills are highly sought after.

Employers are actively looking for individuals with abilities in data analysis, digital marketing, cybersecurity, and programming.

Whether you’re analysing data to provide insights for better business decisions, driving customer engagement through digital marketing, protecting your company from cyber threats, or using programming to solve complex problems, these skills can make you a valuable asset to any organisation.

Adding technical skills to your repertoire can significantly improve your performance in your current role.

For instance, if you learn data analysis, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions that can boost your team's results. Gaining cybersecurity skills can ensure your projects are protected, while knowledge of digital marketing could help your company reach a broader audience.

These technical skills mean you improve your productivity and also increase your value to the company, positioning yourself for potential promotions and new challenges.

Soft Skills Development

Soft skills are just as important as technical skills when advancing your career. 

For instance, developing emotional intelligence, adaptability, problem-solving, and teamwork will help you succeed in your workplace.

Emotional intelligence enables you to build better relationships and navigate difficult conversations, while adaptability makes you more resilient in the face of change. Being a strong problem-solver and team player ensures you can overcome challenges and work effectively with others towards shared goals. Focusing on these soft skills will help you stand out and demonstrate that you’re prepared for leadership roles.

There are plenty of online courses designed to help you enhance your soft skills. You can enrol in courses that cover communication, conflict resolution, creative thinking, and more. 

These are designed to help you interact more effectively with others, think outside the box, and positively handle conflicts.

Many online learning platforms also offer group projects and discussions, helping you practise teamwork and communication in real time, preparing you for success in your day-to-day role.

Build the skills you need to advance in your career with College Online. Develop core competencies and improve your prospects of career progression.

Choosing the Right Course to Support Your Career Progression

Selecting the right online course is a crucial step towards advancing your career.

Whether you're aiming for a promotion, transitioning to a new role, or improving your performance in your current position, the course you choose must align with your career objectives.

Here's how you can make an informed decision:

Aligning Courses with Career Goals

Identifying Career Objectives

To begin, define your career goals clearly. Are you seeking a promotion, moving into a different department, or aiming to enhance your performance in your current role? 

Establishing these objectives will provide a clear direction for your course selection. For instance, if you’re aiming for a leadership position, you might look for courses focusing on management, strategy, or communication skills.

Conducting a Skills Gap Analysis

Once your career goals are defined, it’s time to identify the skills needed to achieve them. 

Start by conducting a self-assessment—what are your strengths, and where are the gaps in your skillset?

Do you need to refine technical abilities, or are soft skills like leadership and communication the areas that need attention?

Understanding these gaps will guide you in choosing the most relevant courses to support your goals.

Prioritising Learning Areas

After identifying your skills gaps, prioritise which areas to address first. Consider both your current job requirements and your long-term career aspirations. For example, if your current role demands proficiency in data analysis but your ultimate goal is management, you might prioritise a course in analytics now, followed by leadership training in the future.

Evaluating Course Providers and Accreditation

Importance of Accreditation

When choosing an online course, it's essential to ensure the course provider is accredited. 

For instance, College Online’s courses are accredited courses and have been built with employers, guaranteeing that the education you receive meets established quality standards and will be recognised in the workplace.

Researching Course Quality

To evaluate the quality of an online course, do thorough research.

Review the course curriculum to ensure it covers the skills and knowledge you need. Look into the credentials of the instructors—do they have relevant expertise and industry experience?

Finally, read student testimonials to gain insight into the course's effectiveness and the experiences of previous participants.

Long-Term Value

Investing in a high-quality course can offer long-term benefits, including enhancing your CV and increasing your credibility within your company.

Quality education not only equips you with new skills but also signals to employers that you are committed to your professional growth, which could lead to greater job security and future opportunities.

Financial Considerations and Employer Support

Cost-Benefit Analysis

The cost of online education is a critical factor, but it’s important to weigh this against the potential career benefits. Will this course improve your earning potential or job security? 

Consider how the skills you gain might make you more competitive in the job market, which could lead to promotions, salary increases, or new job opportunities that justify the investment.

Employer Sponsorship

It’s worth exploring whether your employer offers financial support for professional development, such as tuition reimbursement or sponsorship programmes.

Many companies invest in their employees' education, as it benefits the organisation in the long run.

Speak to your HR department to find out if these opportunities are available.

Making the Case to Employers

If your employer doesn't offer sponsorship, consider making a case for it. When approaching your employer, highlight how the course aligns with the company’s objectives. 

Show them how your enhanced skills will translate into better performance, increased efficiency, or leadership within the organisation. By framing it as a return on investment for the company, you can make a compelling argument for their support.

Choosing the right online course is an investment in your future. By aligning the course with your career goals, carefully evaluating providers, and considering financial aspects, you can ensure that your learning experience supports your career progression.

Drive Your Career Progression With College Online

While progressing your career isn’t straightforward, enrolling in online education to add feathers to your bow is one of the most effective ways to improve your chances of ascending the company hierarchy.

Continuously learning and expanding your expertise boosts confidence and makes you a more versatile asset to your employer. It’s a chance to explore new ideas, sharpen your current skills, and stay at the cutting edge of your industry.

Employees who demonstrate initiative by pursuing further education are more likely to be considered for promotions and leadership roles. By showcasing your commitment to growth, you position yourself as a strong candidate for advancement.

Take charge of your career development and improve core competencies aligned with your role with College Online’s courses designed specifically for professionals looking to upskill and advance their careers.

Register your interest now and open doors to new opportunities within your company.