Pearson BTEC HND Level 5*

Course Details


Organisation Behaviour Management

This unit will assist you in developing knowledge and understanding of how organisational behaviour concepts, theories and techniques can be applied in work and management settings to enhance individual, team and organisational performance. You will be able to apply this knowledge in a variety of business situations. You will appreciate how effective application of organisational behaviour principles can be used to explain why people behave and act in particular ways and to predict how employees will respond to certain demands. The unit will also develop your understanding of the influence of culture and of the operation of power and politics in organisations, and how these variables influence the actions and behaviour of people in an organisational context.

Managing and Leading Change

You will develop an understanding of the different types and scope of change that may occur in an organisation. The unit aims to illustrate the drivers and triggers for change and how they vary and affect organisations in different ways, including the degree of impact and management’s response to change. You will gain an appreciation of how the depth of change can influence organisational behaviour, both during and after the change.

Principles of Operations Management

This unit provides you with an appreciation of the dimensions of operations management and its central role for organisations across a wide range of sectors. You will also gain the knowledge and skills required to progress to higher levels of study or employment in positions in operations, logistics and supply.

Business Strategy

Through this unit you will develop an awareness of the different types of strategic approach that could be used in an operational, tactical or strategic role for an organisation. This will be underpinned by a thorough knowledge and understanding of the theories, models and concepts that could significantly support an organisation’s strategic choice and direction.

Business Information Technology Systems

This unit will enhance your understanding of contemporary business information technology (IT) systems and how organisations develop and continuously review their IT strategy to gain and maintain competitive advantage. You will explore the areas of business that benefit from the support of IT systems and how organisations are using IT as a driver for business improvement.

Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

This unit will provide you with knowledge of the different factors involved in diagnosing the skills, training and development requirements for their future employees and for your career goals. You will be introduced to the concept of high-performance workplaces and the strategic benefits this can bring to an organisation. You will recognise that your own professional development is just one route to improving the performance of the teams and organisations in which they work.

Business Communications and Relationships

In this unit, you will look at concepts of communication in organisations and how to select communication techniques that are fit for purpose. You will also investigate the contribution of interpersonal skills to successful relationship management and consider ways to build positive relationships with partners, stakeholders and suppliers.

Business Data Analytics and Insights

This unit will provide you with an understanding of how organisations in different contexts improve their efficiency through the use of effective data management techniques. You will look at the importance of data analysis and interpretation in informing business decision-making processes to enable organisations to stay current and competitive in a volatile macroenvironment. You will learn how key decision-makers, at various levels, are able to improve strategic outcomes by using more effective processes to gain an insight into the most appropriate data and information available to a business.


 *Subject to course approval